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The Unforgettable Feminist Thriller of Promising Young Woman

2020 Movie: Promising Young Woman, The Unforgettable Feminist Thriller of the Year


  • Introduction to the Movie
  • Themes in Promising Young Woman
  • Impact of Promising Young Woman on Feminism
  • The Controversy Surrounding Promising Young Woman
  • Critical Reception of the Movie
  • Conclusion

Promising Young Woman is a 2020 American dark comedy-drama film written, produced, and directed by Emerald Fennell. The film stars Carey Mulligan as a medical school dropout seeking revenge against men who mistreat women. The film was released to critical acclaim and has since become a cultural phenomenon. It has been nominated for several awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress at the 93rd Academy Awards.

Introduction to the Movie

Promising Young Woman is the story of Cassie Thomas (Carey Mulligan), a medical school dropout who is determined to take revenge against men who mistreat and take advantage of women. She leads a double life, pretending to be drunk and vulnerable in bars in order to lure men and then confront them about their behavior. Her mission is to teach them a lesson and bring justice to those who have been wronged. The film follows Cassie on her quest for justice, as she navigates a world that is hostile to her and her mission. While Cassie is determined to bring justice to those who have been wronged, she also finds herself in dangerous situations that put her own life at risk. Through her experiences, she learns to use her power and strength to protect herself and the women around her.

Themes in Promising Young Woman

Promising Young Woman explores a variety of themes related to gender and feminism. Through Cassie's journey, the film examines the power dynamics between men and women and how these dynamics shape our lives and relationships. It also examines the impact of rape culture and rape myths on our society and how these beliefs can be used to excuse and minimize sexual assault. The film also looks at issues related to consent, such as the blurred lines between consensual and non-consensual sex and how our society perpetuates the idea that it is acceptable for men to take advantage of women. It also examines issues of victim-blaming and how these attitudes contribute to a culture of silence and shame surrounding sexual assault.

Impact of Promising Young Woman on Feminism

Promising Young Woman has had a major impact on the conversation around feminism and gender equality. The film has sparked important discussions about the power dynamics between men and women and how our society perpetuates rape culture. It has also highlighted the importance of consent and how our society can do a better job of educating people about it. The film has also inspired people to take action and stand up for what is right. It has encouraged people to speak out against sexual violence and to support survivors of sexual assault. Finally, it has helped to shift the narrative surrounding feminism and gender equality, reminding us that there is still much work to be done in order to achieve true equality.

The Controversy Surrounding Promising Young Woman

Promising Young Woman has been the subject of much controversy since its release. Many people have criticized the film for its portrayal of sexual assault and its perceived glamorization of revenge. Others have argued that the film does not accurately represent the experiences of survivors of sexual assault and that the film's message is too simplistic. In response to the criticism, director Emerald Fennell has defended the film, stating that the film is a "call to action" and that it is intended to spark conversations about gender and power dynamics. She has also stated that the film is not meant to be an accurate representation of the experiences of all survivors of sexual assault, but rather a reflection of her own experiences and those of the people close to her.

Critical Reception of the Movie

Promising Young Woman has received critical acclaim since its release. It has been praised for its bold and thought-provoking exploration of gender and power dynamics and for its powerful message about sexual assault. The film has also been praised for its strong performances, particularly from Carey Mulligan. The film has been nominated for several awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress at the 93rd Academy Awards. It has also won several awards, including the BAFTA for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture – Drama.


Promising Young Woman is a powerful film that has sparked important conversations about gender and power dynamics and about sexual assault. The film has received critical acclaim and numerous awards nominations, and it has had a major impact on the conversation around feminism and gender equality. The film is a must-see for anyone interested in exploring these issues and sparking meaningful conversations about them.

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